Guardlets Simulator Description


  1. Overview
  2. Rules of Behavior
  3. Rules of Evolution
  4. Changing the Population Characteristics
  5. Discussion


Guardlets belong to the cooperative agent family sharing the tendency to cooperate, and the lifelike emergent behavior which is based on a few simple, local rules. . Guardlets are modeled using a Java applet. The applet allows the changing of traits and personality of the population, and also breeding and evolving the population.

The description below covers the Guardlets applet.


Rules of Behavior

Guardlets behavior is governed by two rules:

  1. A rule specifying how to relate to one's own kind.
  2. A rule specifying how to relate to Attackers.

Both Guardlets and Attackers are attracted to the resource-critical center screen section. Guardlets attempt to limit excessive access to this area.

1. How to relate to one's own kind

2. How to relate to Attackers

Rules of Evolution

Guardlets evolve sexually, where each Guardlet is the descendent of two parents. Mother and father are selected according to the mechanism of 'Survival of the Fittest by Unnatural Selection'. Asexual reproduction can occur with the last of the species. Fitness is defined by three attributes; energy, safety, and cooperation. If you are a Guardlet, you can gain or lose these during your lifetime, and the more you have, the fitter you are.

These are the Rewards and Penalties that influence fitness:

(The overall fitness is calculated as a weighted function of energy, safety, and cooperation)

Changing the Population Characteristics

How to use the applet

Modifying the static population

You can do the following:

Modifying the evolutionary factors

Evolution occurs when new generations are formed from older ones. You can either create generations manually (click the Breed button) or start a continuous process where new generations are created based on timed cycles (click the Start Evolution button)

You can do the following:


The Emergent Behavior

The simple behavioral rules produce interesting emergent behavior. When Guardlets are not disturbed by Attackers they stick more or less together and meander in their home area. However, when an Attacker is introduced it will begin to excite them. The emergent flocking behavior they exhibit seems by its inherent mechanics to disrupt the process of excessive Attacker resource consumption in this model.

The Evolutionary Process

The evolution mechanism is built on three layers:

So we have this chain:
Evolutionary selection is done by fitness, fitness depends on the phenotypic traits, and these are defined by the genetic string. The evolutionary operators themselves (reproduction, crossover and mutation), act on the chromosome string.

And the result can be unpredictable:
By modifying specific traits, we influence the emergent behavior in ways that are not always easy to predict. When the evolution mechanism throws its blind operators, there is almost nothing we can tell in advance. Therefore it is quite interesting to watch the behavior and evolution of Guardlets, even in this very simple system.


J. Groff