A volume is a set of RocksDb directories and files indexed by a volume name, which is a directory path PLUS database prefix. The
last component of the volume refers to the prefix of a database name within the parent path. When forming filesets for RocksDb, the
volume, concatenated with the class name, form a RockDB database. For instance:
/Users/db/test would create a database test in the /Users/db path and resultant RocksDB database files for instances of the
String class would appear in the directory /Users/db/testjava.lang.String
A subsequent call to RockSackAdapter.setTableSpaceDir("/Users/db/test") would set the default tablespace and directory
to the test database in /Users/db and method calls lacking an alias would reference this default tablespace.
In the case of an alias, one may use the calls to createAlias("alias","/Users/db/test") to establish an alias to that tablespace
for subsequent calls to methods that use an alias when working with multiple databases. One an alias has been established, the
tablespace CANNOT be assigned to another alias without first issuing calls to explicitly remove the alias first.
An IllegalArgumentException will be thrown.